Hi, I'm Oli Swamp, an amatour writer with mental baggage who'll enthusiastically share his fic ideas if you ask, but will also gladly listen to yours if you bug me enough (preferably on Discord).

Oli in the Swamp

Names: Anything / Swamp / Bog /Whichever / Fuck / FivePronouns: he/him / it/its / that/thats

I've got memory issues and executive dysfunction, DMs on sites that aren't Discord might not be answered for days or weeks.

- spam me with whatever you want
- randomly send me your ideas
- tell me about my mistakes when you spot them (grammar or life, doesn't matter)
- interact with my works in transformative way (writing fanfics inspired by them, creating fanart) [just remember about credit]
- spam comment/spam like, I don't mind
- ask me for tips about things I know about (for example details of publishing fics or some more complicated html formatting)
- read the fucking tags. please. I'm not an 'uwu unproblematic baby' the content I write my shock or trigger you at some point.
- keep in mind I go to school and might be busy in certain hours
- block me if the content I produce offends you. that's possible even on AO3. (look it up.)

- interact if you're a horrible human being (homophobe, transphobe, islamophobe, antisemite... you got the drift.)
- be fatphobic in my presence. that includes jokes.
- ever ask about my birthday, zodiac sign, etc. (age is okay)
- send me chainmail/spam warnings
- blame me if you break your own boundaries. I tag my works properly, if you find them and read them to purposely trigger yourself it's not my fault.
- ask to add my works to your collections on AO3. I don't allow that because of the ownership issues connected to that. Instead you can add your bookmark of my fic to your collection. It solves the problem on both sides.

Wow, you really click on anything that's a link, huh?
What if it was a virus?
But it's not, here, have a cookie 🍪